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The Next Gen Kiaʻi Loko Internship is designed to provide young adults in the community with opportunities to engage in natural resource management along the Keaukaha coastline. Priority will be given to keiki who are residents of Keaukaha or attend a Keaukaha school, with the goal of enhancing their ability to participate in cultural practices connected to the wahi pana (sacred places) where they live.

Thriving communities through thriving ecosystems.

To advance our community by providing opportunities for kupa ʻāina to engage and reconnect with sustainable ancestral practices.

Hui Hoʻoleimaluō facilitates Hawaiian cultural activities with the support of the community at Honokea Loko at Waiuli (Richardsonʻs Beach Park) and Kaumaui.

Papahana Puakahīnano

The Hui

Hui Hoʻoleimaluō was founded by keiki o ka ʻāina. They began by serving as an active learning curriculum-based laboratory and outdoor classroom for grades 3-12, facilitating community maintenance work events.